And So It Begins. . .

I have never been so concerned about the weight of jeans in my life. The past couple days have been packing extravaganzas, and I have been slowly learning the art of packing “light.” Now, by “light,” I mean one large suitcase stuffed to the brim, plus one carry-on of the maximum allowable size. (Travel-veterans are cringing.)

Okay, so that’s still a lot of stuff, but I’d say I’m doing well right now! I’m keeping pretty much everything I’ll need to bring for 6 months in Europe in a single large suitcase (plus a few things in the carry-on), no more than 50 lb. Not too shabby! Of course, this was after a considerable amount of unpacking, agonizing over clothes, repacking, agonizing over shoes, unpacking, walking away to check facebook, regaining objecctivity, discarding excess shoes, and repacking again, etc. etc.:

And yes. That is a scale in front of the suitcase. I started to literally weigh my clothes to find out the heaviest pieces I could wear on the plane or carry on. It was a tiny bit ridiculous. (But I felt pretty hardcore. Why isn’t one-bag packing an Olympic sport yet?)

Included in things I’ll be wearing on the plane are some pieces I’m pretty excited about: some new Steve Madden, suede, slouch-boots (They make me feel like a pirate. Or Robin Hood. It’s a win-win situation really.), a new Fossil, cross-body purse, and an off-white, cotton scarf I’ve been working on for months and finally finished. The body of the scarf has been done for a while, but I kept forgetting to add the fringe. Check it!

It’s going to be a hassle getting through security, but on the upside, I won’t be paying exorbitant fees on extra pounds of luggage, and I will be oh-so stylish on my flight. Can you even handle it?!

Well, folks, my flight leaves tomorrow evening, so I have do some last touches on packing and actually tidy my room a bit. It’s hard to believe right now that I will be across the Atlantic Ocean in 24 hours. I don’t think my mind has really processed that fact… which is probably why I spent the morning baking scones rather than getting my stuff in order. No matter! Packing can wait. Cheddar-dill scones, however, beckon to be made immediately. Good thing I got that out of the way (no seriously, it was literally on my to-do list for the day). Back to preparing for a European adventure! Cheers!

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