Operation Recover Blog: Commence

Hello my poor little blog. You may believe I have forgotten you–forsaken you even. Fear not; I have returned to breath new life into you, and shape you into something more than the stale old bits of my time abroad. Operation Recover Blog (ORB) commences immediately, and with luck and a great deal of self-discipline, my dear blog, you may soon acquire my undivided attention at regular intervals.

Let it be known that ORB does not necessitate long, rambling, thoroughly thoughtful (what a mouthful) entries, but may include handy one-liners, appealing images, amusing videos, and more.

ORB does, however, necessitate regular–hopefully weekly, and at least monthly–attention in some form or another. And so it begins, my lovely little blog.

Thoughts of today in a nutshell:

  1. Using the word “delicious” as a descriptor for non-gustatory nouns is utterly… delicious.
  2. An excellent, singular piece of jewelry can instill the greatest confidence in a woman.
  3. It would be nice to have a boyfriend, or at least a serious flirtation, at this point in life.
  4. Unlikely things that may cause hives: cold weather, old sheets, Dove soap, smell-of-brother.
  5. Old Navy should try less hard to be like its classier sibling, GAP. Just be yourself, man. Also, dressing rooms in the center of the store are awkward.
  6. [Related to #3] Chris Thile, if you are single, I am and continue to remain unattached. In the least, we should together indulge in a nice single-malt, and if you’re nice I’ll even bring my monocle (additional stipulation: you should don a top hat. Or at least a waistcoat and pocket-watch).
  7. The newest Punch Brothers album is amazing. And, for me, strangely heart-rending. I haven’t worked it out all the way and may write a more thoughtful review after more time with the album and my own ruminations. My cursory thoughts:

For some sappy, inexplicable reason the music brings me to tears. Perhaps it is the impending heartbreak behind some of the songs: the heartbreak that goes ignored or unsaid in favor of the “now”–of carpe diem, drink, and sex. Or maybe it’s the pure honesty and beauty so poetically and rendered. Maybe it’s seeing an artist move from naive idealism to something more raw, real, and experiential. There’s more flesh in this album, more pain and pleasure and dreaming than other Thile work. I hate to go all Blakean, but there seems to be a sort of Songs of Innocence to Songs of Experience transition going on here that reminds the listener of the true humanity of the artists and the knowledge gained in discovering that humanity. The result: a deep and inscrutable pang of sadness as human experience overwhelms youthful innocence, but a dawning pleasure in new-found complexity that can only come from such a transition. My initial tears may have sprung from a feeling of disconnect from an artist who has changed musically, emotionally, and philosophically from the one my idealistic, middle-school self fell in love with years ago. But then again, I’ve changed too. And as I listen again, and get to know this new Chris Thile and these new thoughts, I face that inner change and consider the raw humanity in myself–a Kerry that I am only now getting to know, and even then only barely. I hope to get to know her a bit better, share a drink with her, indulge a bit, and see what life has to offer beyond books, movies, and the stark colors of black and white.

A light entry has grown rather deep… shall we swim back to the surface for some fresh air? Shallow waters it is:

– I may get a twitter, even though I’m late on the uptake and possibly joining a quickly fading trend. Bully, I say! I will join anyway!
– I leave for Toronto very soon, and will thus be able to add yet another country to my list of foreign travels this year. What’s more, I will learn what a true “winter” means. I am filled with anticipation and bone-chilling fear.
That is all for now! ORB seems to be on its way to success (*currently knocking on wood*), and do scold me thoroughly if I again return to hopeless slackerdom.



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